US Voters Have More Than 2 Choices

With over 60 million votes in, we can count yet another US presidential election in which an electorate thirsting for more voices and more choices has been quietly misled about its actual ballot choices. Instead of a fair and robust debate and discourse over the issues that confront us and different approaches to solving them, we were treated to a false-binary sparring match that further tore at the fabric of what keeps us united as a nation.

But it’s not too late to let a critical mass of voters know that there are more choices, and there are still ways of seeking out nonpartisan and unbiased information about those choices. It’s not too late to hear from diverse voices of candidates who have put their lives on hold to run outside the two-party duopoly, in the hopes of sparking some form of transformative change.

Please take a moment to read this infographic and share it with your networks, to let US voters know they should not be so easily swayed by the dominant narrative created by the two parties themselves. If enough people reading this share the graphic with a rousing call for their friends to seek out unbiased information about their ballot choices, we can change the story and break the dependence on self-serving mainstream media.

US voters have more choices - 2 more candidates on enough ballots to win, 34 more candidates on at least 1 state ballot.

Watch and share Free & Equal’s March 4th debate, the October 8th debate, and the October 24th debate, with diverse cross-partisan participation.

Let’s break the sound barrier and let US voters know they have more than 2 officially sanctioned choices.